Best of the Bunch Florist Wellington
Flower Bouquet Be Still My Heart - Dozen Red Roses - Best of the Bunch Florist Wellington

Flower Bouquet Be Still My Heart - Dozen Red Roses


This bouquet is called "Be Still My Heart," but her heart won't be still when she sees this wildly romantic bouquet of a dozen red roses-the highest quality New Zealand grown red roses and half dozen white calla lilies. It will beat madly, deeply, truly - just for you. 

Please choose between With Vase (Vase may vary) or Without Vase.

Same day delivery available. All flowers are sent with a complimentary gift card containing your own personal message from our florist shop. 

Send this flower delivery on its own or make it even better with a helium balloonchocolateschampagne and sparkling soft toy or make it part of a gift basket.

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